'Haunted House' becomes HAPPEN house
By Roger M. Connor, San Diego, Calif. | Friday, September 08, 2006 |
I graduated from St. Ambrose (then) College in 1960, and lived with 10 other students at 822 Gaines St., where one of the HAPPEN rehabilitations is occurring.
Charlie Zoch, one of my housemates at that time who now lives in
Rochele, Ill., sent me the article about our former home, known to
many if not most Ambrosians of that era as “The Haunted House.” Mark
McGowan, another Ambrosian, who lives in Davenport, sent Charlie the
Many good times were had inside those old walls. I fear that we were
not as studious as we might have been.
All of us are delighted that the Haunted House will live on to be
home for a deserving family.
It is a good thing Mr. Haberman is doing with the assistance of
Roger M. Connor
San Diego, Calif.